From Social Stigma to Social Superpower
Sep 30, 2023
I am one of life's tweaker's - I have been changing this and that, looking for continual improvement in all aspects of my life since I picked up my first self-help book more than 2 decades ago.
So when I decided to go for an extended Dry January (Jan-March) in 2022, I thought nothing of it, just another experiment. Well, that experiment has not yet ended, and I have now been 18 months sober.
I have rocky relationship with alcohol. On one had a reasonably successful career in the industry, worked with some amazing people, have a strong network, and love many aspects of it, my daughter was even born in a pub. However, on the other hand I have had my own challenges with booze over the years, and unfortunately so have many people close to me.
In my 43 years I believe I am uniquely placed to understand all perspectives having experienced many of the extreme highs and lows firsthand.
It was hard during those first 6 weeks especially given the society we live in and the industry I worked in - however it is now my superpower, and I cannot see myself going back. The real benefits do not kick in until 3 months dry, when the low-level anxiety leaves your body and you have experienced enough social occasions to understand you do not NEED alcohol to have a good time.
I have now done pretty much everything you would stereotypically think of as booze fueled events: weddings, stag do's (bachelor parties), festivals, clubs, parties, xmas, birthdays, NYE, bank holidays, sporting events etc etc etc. On previous breaks from alcohol, I have shied away from these events, the temptation to drink and get involved being too strong to resist, however this time I leaned into it and focused on changing my mindset until it became a super-power. The ability to go into these situations sober, present, and confident and leave them sober, present and more energised having had meaningful, memorable interactions with other humans makes you feel amazing!
I now relish it - when people realise you are not drinking and still getting involved and having a great time, they are curious, inquisitive and after speaking to you a little bit jealous, yes it does shine a light back to them and as long as you’re not too smug about it, it can help change their limiting belief too.
I am not a preachy anti-booze campaigner, but nor am I an alcoholic, it has just run its course for me, and I now feel compelled to help others on their journey to be the best version of themselves.
I do not underestimate the task of going booze free in world that encourages you to drink at every juncture and it is difficult to change limiting beliefs around alcohol and fun - but believe me the results are thoroughly worth it and life gets infinitely more enjoyable.
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